Sunday, March 28, 2010

Long time no post, i have been here on and off catching up on everyones bloggs , but never find the time to post my own. Have had a few little struggles to get through. Came down with the dreaded flu that seem to attack some of you bloggers as well. Took me a few weeks to build my fitness level back up.There have been times when i thought i am getting to old for this. Do i have to do this for the rest of my life???  But i knew that i had to find my happy place again , i am happy when i am fit and toned . What will happen if i slack off and don't train anymore ? I will look like the average middle aged mum , not that there is anything wrong with that. But i like being different , i like the comments , and compliments i get. I feel confident and bursting with energy when i am fit. So thats what i have been doing ,  trying to get back to my happy place. It has been a struggle , there have been times when i just didn't feel like going to the gym or doing my cardio . But as you know the feeling afterwards is rewarding .So i am getting there , and enjoying my training again. THIS OLD GIRL IS NOT READY TO GIVE UP YET.
I WANT to be the best that i can be. Which takes constant work. Its all about legs and butt for me , i am contantly working at conditioning them . Upper body is not a problem , my legs get chubby real easy, i have my mummy to thank for that. I think they look cute on her , but i am a perfectionist I WANT LEAN LEGS !! Without having to go on a comp diet. hehehe.
I have been thinking of doing the Oct comps this year . The IFBB and WFF/ NABBA . Will see how i go .
There is a comp here in May, The South Pacific Championships . Would have loved to do that one, but i did promise myself i would have a year off , and also not mentally ready or made the improvements i need yet.
I do have some news to tell but will leave that for next post. Until then take care xxx

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Hello all in blog land,
A week since my last post , very slack i know. Well after last weeks leg work out i was crippled for a few days there.So dammm sore i couldn't even do any decent cardio. I like to be sore but not so sore , that i cant even do house hold chores with out being in agony. Or trying to cross a street and there is a car coming and your brain is telling your legs to get a move on , but it's like they just can't compute. and keep buckling hahaha . So i have started back on my L-Glutamine again, along with Ultra Muscleze , had a few extra doses yesterday, before and after my leg workout and again before bed , so i am glad to report, so far they are a bit sore , but nothing on last week. Hit it pretty hard this week in the gym, so have sore chest and back as well. Love it , just dont love it when i cant walk, hehehe. Have also gone back on my multi vitamins, started this morning. Been lacking in energy lately. Feel alive tonight though. As of late i would be crawling into my bed by this time . Surely that multi hasn't kicked in already? maybe it's because i had a rest day today? Dont know but it feels good to be alive again.Hope i feel this good in morning , i really need to get out do some running .

I have some exciting news to tell, i started TAP dancing (never to old to learn new tricks), first lesson was Wed just gone.The lessons are held at a dance school my daughter attends.The lady that owns the dance school also instructs bodypump and Attack classes . She is WA's head Les mills girl. Anyway the class was going to be an Adult Jazz and Tap class, but has now changed to fitness and Tap. No one was interested in the Jazz.(boo hoo i wanted to learn Jazz ) So we started off with a run out side, myself and another lady were to fit for everyone else and had to stop and do walking lunges till the others caught up. Geezz and just when my legs had healed from last week, i was cursing (in my head), they took so long to catch up. My legs were burning . So then we did a SLOW jog, DIDN'T WANT TO HAVE TO DO ANY MORE LUNGES. till the last leg then sprinted it back to the studio, i love sprints. Then we did a sort of plyometrics work out.We had 5 stations, two exersises each station. 30 seconds on each one.Went round the circuit twice . Lots of jumping lunges and jumping squats. push ups , bridges ect. Something i haven't done in a while , so i found it challenging , there was a lower impact version for the not so fit , which was all but two of us. Wonder how those poor ladies pulled up the next day. It was quite an advanced workout for them , they would have found it hard. And yes leggies got sore again next day and  then i punished them again yesterday, geezz  hope to see some changes there for all my hard work.

So after our fitness class we put on our Taps. Was soooooo excited , all my life i have wanted a pair of tap shoes , hehehe.Well, all the other ladies have already had some tapping lessons , so while i thought i might have been clever at the fitness side of things, was a dumb ass in the tapping hahaha I was thinking   hey  sh iiiii tt  slow down , what are doing ? how do you do that? The teacher saw me in mirror looking at her feet and trying to keep up, so she showed me some steps in slow motion.hahaha.  I really want to practice at home but when i  put my taps on and had a little play , my son said "hey mum  should you be doing that on the tiles, wont it leave scratches?" Yehhh ok smart ass. We'll be getting timber decking out the back soon , maybe i can practice on them.

Well i think that'll do me for my blogging tonight, take care all

Friday, February 5, 2010

Back at the gym this week.Started the week off with some cardio.

Monday...35 min cross trainer a few 30 second fast intervals thrown in.

Tuesday...rowing machine 2x 400 m, 2x 600m and 2x 800 m finished off with incline walking on treadmill.

Wed.... first weight session , did upper body back and chest. Just did 15 min walking

Thursday ... Legs and abbs , 20 min bike and 10 min treadmill

Today .. will do some cardio, havent decided on that one yet. Getting so lazy with cardio, have that, that'll do attitude, not good. not good.

After a  few weeks off from lifting ,and  i am feeling sore all over after this week. Sore chest ,back and legs.
Have gained a kilo and a bit and lost a bit of muscle i think. So hopefully will correct that , now i am back into it. Was feeling it yesterday, had a nana nap on couch while watching the news last night , then dozed off again at about 9.30. A big week after doing jack for last 4 weeks. As much as it annoyed me first few weeks , i got lazy and  enjoyed not having a routine of cardio gym, and eating .But i know i will be very sorry if i dont push my self to get back into it. I know by the end of next week i will be in the groove again, feeling fit and good about myself .Didn't push myself to much this week. Just two sessions of weights.Next week will add an extra session and get back into some running .Also need to clean up my eating a bit. Going off to a Brazilian club tonight for diner , hope they have lean meat there and salads.Tomorrow night we are going off to a Kiwi night. Think i will really have to hit the tready hard next week .
Have a good weekend everyone

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Hello all ,
I've been absent on here, for a little while ,wasn't ready to tell you what an IDIOT i've been. Because i was such a FOOL and went back to the gym to early. Everything was going fine after my op, no pain , healing all very quickly, so thought it would be ok to do a leg wotk out. Nothing to heavy. No pain or discomfort. Till the next morning woke up to some major swelling. Thought ok better just rest up , going to get stitches out in a few days.Went to get the stitches out and got told to go home, pack a bag , meet you in surgery tonight. That was Monday 18th. He said i had an absess and hematoma. Woke up  from surgery in pain , had a nappy pin through the wound  holding a drain tube. Looked and felt like i had been hit with an axe. The doctor said it was a bigger op than he thought , he had to cut away dead tissue. Spent two days in hospital, and have been a couch potato ever since. Had the stitches out on Monday just gone and and now on the mend. So yes i feel like such a FOOL. So obsessed that i couldn't put my body on hold for just a week or so longer. So ANGRY with myself . But whats done is done. My body has gone a bit soft on me, but nothing i cant fix .Will give me something to work on. Ventured out for a little walk around the neighbour hood last night with hubby and daughter. Just a walk no power walking yet. Had to get out in the fresh air .Woke up this morning checking to see if there was any swelling , but all is fine. So yes i am a bit paranoid now. Will head back to the gym next week.Wont be doing any legs till maybe the week after.Will start with just body weight squats and lunges i think.My little chubby legs will just have wait .
So there you go , that was my news. Hopefully next week i will be able to report on my progress at the gym. No doubt i would have lost a bit of strength .
Take care all
love Diane

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Recovering well after my op, not as sore or uncomfotable as i thought i would be.Just really sleepy all the time.Have been relaxing on the couch most of the time watching telly and dozing on and off. Must be the all the gas in my system from the anaesthetic. Did manage to go to the gym on Friday though. Had to finish the week with a shoulder and chest workout.

Had a bit of pigout last night, found some butter cookies someone gave us for xmas and thought i would just have a sample to see what they were like, ended up eating way toooo many , i dont even normaly like bickies, but these were bit more ish. Then got into some lollie snakes, which i have hidden from my kids for times when i have had a hard workout , i take one or two to put some sugar in my muscles. Then had rice cakes with peanut butter .This little feast took place at about 11.30 last night after waking up from napping through the movie i was watching. Never mind i must have needed a little sugar fix. Will have to be good today, since i cant cardio it off. I think i can manage a walk, so will do that this evening.

Had a lady from the gym stop me on my way out on friday, she is training hard and wants to compete in Oct and said she wants my body and was asking how to get it. Geeee whooo da thought .....It's funny how we think we are out of shape in our off season, but to others were obviously not. I seem to be getting a few comments lately, even from the young ones at the gym . I tell them hard work and determination. Getting fit isn't easy.I thought my trainer was tying to kill me those first few months. He worked me hard with the weights and the cardio. So many times in my head i wanted to tell him to , dont you know how old i am ? this is not fun .hahaha, but i am such an obedient little girl i perservered. Every week i wanted to sack him, but thought no, that would be quitting, keep going , try it for a few more weeks.  Now i love my cardio and training.I couldn't imagine my life with out it.
 So anyway i am quite excited for this lady, told her her i would help her out anyway i can with advise or posing practice. From my past mistakes I should be able to pass on what not to do in posing, like squeeze your bum cheeks together in the back pose, ewww not a nice look.hahaha.Not on me anyway. hehehe.
Well thats my post for today, enjoy your sunday everyone
Love Diane xxx

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Hi Everyone,
Spent my day in hospital today. Had a cist (hope thats all it is.) removed today. It was down below on my panty line  near my lymph glands. Took three months to get in to see a specialist, and he was a bit concerned about my glands being up a bit so wanted it out ASAP. So my day went as follows

Woke up at 6 am , into the shower and at the hospital by 6.30.Was dying of thirst and hunger by 7.30.
They gave me a pre op at 8.30 thank god so i got to sleep through my thirsty and hungry state.hahaha.
Woke up at 12.00 and they took me down to theartre. then woke up in revovery at 1.30 i think it was. Stayed there till 2.45 and then they got me back to the room and fed and watered me. Then dozed on and off till my daughter collected me at 5.30.They fed me again before i left, i must have looked still hungry, haha. So have slept most of the day today and still fell a bit groggy and could take off to bed for the night now.But i will wait til at least 9.30 .Not in any pain as yet so thats good. My lump that was about the size of a 10 cent piece has gone off to pathology, so hopefully the results will come back clear .Have stitches in for next 10 days.Hopefully I will be able to still do my leg work out next week. They will go to mush if i dont train them.
Well thats my post for today, finding it hard to concentrate here , must be still drugged.
Take care all

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

what a day

Hi All ,
Well i have been busy today. First up was gym this morning. Warmed up with two 800m stints on the rower. Then a good back session with my trainer. Then home to do some major house work.Finaly got that done by 5.00 then met my daughter at the beach and she took me on a walk run in the boggy sand up the beach for half hour one way then half hour back again.She did let me walk some of the way back on the waters edge. But then it was back to the soft deep stuff with a sprint to the finish line. . She's such a slave driver. Certainly got a good leg workout doing that one .She said she has been doing beach runs a few times a week lately , no wonder she has nice legs and butt , or is it because she is only 22 ?? hahaha. No she has been on a fitness journey the last few months.She has lost about 5 k's and looking like a real little sexy fit bitch . Finaly taught her that eating more and more often and cleaner is the way to go. So now she is a real little health and fitness freak. She wants to do a comp this year. Will have to get her to start her own blogging  journey to the stage. Would like to see her start off with bikini sports girl section or figure fitness as she has the acro and dancing skills. Dont think she has enough muscles yet for figure, sh sh sh sh hopefully she wont read this , hehehe.
 Well i'm off to bed , keep working hard girls, remember 2010 is the year and i WANT to follow your journeys to the stage, weight loss , improving your physic or what ever else.
Love  Diane xxx

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Do you think i am to old to take this up?

This is my very talented niece Georgia above perfoming in Singapore Recently, she has just turned 15. Her Dance school has opened a new studio in Singapore, So a select few were invited from Perth to perform a few times over a weekend to promote the dance school.There are photos of her doing back flips but she was so fast they turned blurry. Their performances were exceptional, some of the locals came back to watch each show.They happened to be up there the same week we were there, so i was so happy i got see their show. I am definately going to get her into figure fitness in a few years time.